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The Edge – Issue 2 – TUR

Her ne kadar 2020 aşırı zorlayıcı bir yıl olduysa da bu yılı üst perdeden bitirmek istedik ve Edge Magazinin, Powered by RAID ikinci sayısının çıkacağını duyurmaktan onur duyarız.

Endüstriye dair en yani haberleri, ilham verici seyahat raporlarını, malzeme değerlendirmelerini ve RAID eğitim güncellemelerini içerir. 

Sayı #2 öne çıkanlar söyle:

    • Soru cevap. RAID eğitim direktörü, Steve Lewis ile batıklar ve mağaralar ve geleceğin RAID için neler getireceği konusunda konuştuk.
    • RAID tıbbi danışmanı, Doug Ebersole MD dalışta en sık görülen kalp rahatsızlıklarını ve neden dalış yaparken fit olmak gerektiğini anlattı.
    • Profesör Timmy Gambin bize Malta Sanal Sualtı Müzesini tanıttı.
    • Serbest dalış gurusu, Emma Farrel eşitleme ile ilgili en iyi on tüyosunu ve bunların scubaya nasıl uygulanabileceğini anlattı.
    • Mısır Kızıldeniz’in meşhur batık mezarlığı ile dünyada seyahat.
    • Bu sayıda bölge ofislerine ağırlıklı olarak odaklandık ve sizlere global takım üyelerimizi tanıtmak için zaman harcadık. Onlar da bunun karşılığında bize bölgelerindeki harika dalış imkanlarından bahsettiler.
    • RAID Eğitmen Eğiticisi, Jeffrey Glenn stage tüpü idaresi ve protokollerinden bahsetti.

    • DPV ve ileri DPV kurslarını yayınlayacağımızdan sizleri Malta’da bir DPV turuna çıkardık.
    • Jill Heinerth bizi heyecanlı bir Kanada seyahatine çıkartıyor ve rebretherlar hakkında birkaç şey bildiğinden bir kapalı devre rebreather almadan önce neler bilmeniz gerektiğine dair kişisel tavsiyelerini sunuyor.
    • PJ Prinsloo, Dan Weeks, ve Oli van Overbeek’den oluşan kıdemli RAID eğitici “Bir PRO gibi dal” takımımızdan dalış becerilerinizi nasıl geliştirebileceğinize dair tüyolar ve ip uçları edinin. Bu sayıda palet vurma tekniklerini işlediler.

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The Edge – Issue 2 – ESP

Aunque 2020 ha sido extremadamente desafiante, queríamos salir de este año con una nota alta y con eso, estamos orgullosos de anunciar el lanzamiento del número 2 de la revista Edge, desarrollada por RAID.

Lea las últimas noticias de la industria RAID, informes de viajes inspiradores, reseñas de equipos y actualizaciones de formación RAID.

Los aspectos más destacados del número 2 incluyen:

  • Preguntas y respuestas. Charlamos con el Director de Formación de Buzos de RAID, Steve Lewis, sobre el buceo en pecios y cuevas y lo que depara el futuro para RAID.
  • El asesor médico de RAID, Doug Ebersole MD, analiza los problemas cardíacos más comunes en el buceo y por qué es importante estar en forma para bucear.
  • El profesor Timmy Gambin nos presenta el Museo Virtual Submarino de Malta.
  • Gurú de la apnea, Emma Farrel ofrece sus diez mejores consejos para la ecualización y cómo se pueden aplicar al buceo.
  • Viaja por el mundo con artículos sobre el infame “cementerio de naufragios” del Mar Rojo egipcio.
  • En esta edición nos hemos centrado mucho en nuestras oficinas regionales y nos tomamos el tiempo para presentar a los miembros de nuestro equipo global y ellos a su vez, muestran algunas de las increíbles oportunidades de buceo disponibles en estos territorios.
  • El entrenador de instructores RAID, Jeffrey Glenn, analiza la gestión y los protocolos de los tanques de respaldo (STAGE).

  • Dado que estamos lanzando nuestros nuevos cursos DPV y Advanced DPV, lo llevamos a un recorrido DPV por Malta.
  • Jill Heinerth nos lleva a un emocionante recorrido por Canadá y, dado que sabe un par de cosas sobre rebreathers, ofrece su consejo personal sobre lo que debe saber antes de comprar un rebreathers de circuito cerrado.
  • Reciba sugerencias y consejos sobre cómo mejorar sus habilidades de buceo con nuestro equipo de instrucción RAID senior “Bucee como un profesional”, compuesto por PJ Prinsloo, Dan Weeks y Oli van Overbeek. En este número, analizan las técnicas de aleteo.
  • Nuestro panel de fotógrafos subacuáticos proporciona información sobre cómo entrar y salir del agua con un sistema de cámara.

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The Edge – Issue 2 – DEU

Obschon das Jahr 2020 extrem herausfordernd war, wollen wir es mit einem Höhepunkt abschliessen. Deshalb sind wir stolz, die Veröffentlichung der 2. Ausgabe des Edge Magazins, Powered by RAID, bekannt zu geben.

Du findest darin RAIDs aktuellste Branchen-Nachrichten, inspirierende Reiseberichte, Ausrüstungstests und RAID Training Updates.


Zu den Highlights von Ausgabe 2 gehören:

  • Fragen und Antworten. Wir unterhalten uns mit RAIDs Director of Diver Training, Steve Lewis, über Wrack- und Höhlentauchen und was die Zukunft für RAID bereithält.
  • RAIDs medizinischer Berater, Dr. Doug Ebersole, spricht über die häufigsten Herzprobleme beim Tauchen und warum die Tauchtauglichkeit so wichtig ist.
  • Prof. Timmy Gambin stellt uns das virtuelle Unterwassermuseum in Malta vor.
  • Freitauch-Guru Emma Farrel teilt mit uns ihre Top 10-Tipps zum Thema “Druckausgleich” und wie diese beim Gerätetauchen angewendet werden können.
  • Reise rund um die Welt mit einem Artikel über den berüchtigten “Wrack-Friedhof” im ägyptischen Roten Meer.
  • In dieser Ausgabe bilden unsere Regionalvertretungen einen besonderen Schwerpunkt. Wir nehmen uns die Zeit sie und ihre globalen Teammitglieder vorzustellen. Sie zeigen uns dafür einige der erstaunlichsten Tauchmöglichkeiten, die es in ihren Regionen zu finden gibt.
  • RAID Instructor Trainer, Jeffry Glenn, spricht über den Umgang mit sowie Verfahrensweisen im Zusammenhang mit Stage-Flaschen.
  • Im Zuge der Veröffentlichung unserer neuen DPV- (Scooter) und Advanced DPV-Kurse, nehmen wir dich mit auf eine DPV-Tour auf Malta.
  • Jill Heinerth nimmt uns mit auf eine spannende Tour durch Kanada und da sie so das eine oder andere über Rebreather weiss, gibt sie uns ihren persönlichen Ratschlag, was man vor dem Kauf eines Rebreathers wissen sollte.

  • Du findest Tipps und Tricks, wie du deine Tauchfertigkeiten mit Hilfe unseres erfahrenen RAID-Ausbildungsteams “Dive like a Pro”, bestehend aus PJ Prinsloo, Dan Weeks und Oli van Overbeek, verbesserst.
  • Unsere Experten im Bereich Unterwasserfotografie gewähren Einblicke in die Ein- und Ausstiegstechniken mit einem Kamerasystem.

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The Edge – Issue 2

Although 2020 has been extremely challenging, we wanted to leave this year on a high note and with that, we are proud to announce the release of Issue #2 of the Edge Magazine, Powered by RAID.

Read the latest RAID industry news, inspirational travel reports, equipment reviews, and RAID Training Updates. as required.

Issue #2 highlights include:

  • Question and Answers. We chat with RAID Director of Diver Training, Steve Lewis about wreck and cave diving and what the future holds for RAID.
  • RAID medical advisor, Doug Ebersole MD discusses the most common cardiac issues in diving and why it is important to be dive fit.
  • Professor Timmy Gambin introduces us to the Virtual Museum Underwater Malta.
  • Freediving guru, Emma Farrel offers her ten top tips for equalization and how they can be applied to scuba.
  • Travel the world with feature articles on the Egyptian Red Sea’s infamous ‘wreck graveyard’.
  • This issue we have focussed heavily on our Regional offices and we take time to introduce our global team members and they in turn showcase some of the amazing diving opportunities available in these territories.

  • RAID Instructor trainer, Jeffrey Glenn discusses stage cylinder management and protocols.
  • Since we are releasing our new DPV and Advanced DPV courses, we take you on a DPV tour of Malta.
  • Jill Heinerth takes us on an exciting tour of Canada and since she knows a thing or two about rebreathers, she offers her personal advice on what you should know before buying a closed-circuit rebreather.
  • Receive hints and tips on how to improve your dive skills with our senior RAID instructional “Dive like a Pro” team consisting of PJ Prinsloo, Dan Weeks, and Oli van Overbeek. In this issue, they look at finning techniques.
  • Our panel of underwater photographers provides insight into entering and exiting the water with a camera system

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A Radical Departure From the Usual – Totally New RAID Instructor Materials Launched



Becoming an instructor, regardless of agency, takes a huge amount of time and dedication. One of RAID’s primary goals as an agency is to keep our teaching methodology in line with technical and teaching advancements across all educational industries.

RAID released its last update to the Instructor and Instructor Trainer programs in 2014, and today, we announce the release of our new instructor-level core programs: Instructor Development Program (IDP), Instructor Trainer Program (IDP) and Instructor Playbook.

Since RAID is an entirely digital agency, we are, by default, prescriptive teaching experts, and this can present a host of problems when designing an education system. Many educational models are based on an instructor delivering an entire presentation to their audience. With prescriptive teaching, this is not the case, since the instructor is only asked to deliver small bites of information based on what the student has missed while working through the online academics.

New academic teaching methodology

Meeting the prerequisites to become a RAID instructor is not an easy task, which is made more difficult with the typical need to shoehorn certain topics into academic presentations that are totally unrelated to those topics. For example, how does one introduce continuing education into a discussion on physics or physiology?

We analyzed our entire program and identified areas that we felt needed modernizing. Instructor candidates often complain that they find it outdated, cumbersome and stressful when the topics of dive travel, dive equipment and continuing education are forced together in an unrelated presentation—an industry standard practice—during their IDP. We have listened and have made the classroom presentations less complicated, more appropriate and more fun.

How did we achieve this?

By adding mandatory workshops—Equipment, Continuing Education and Local Diving and Travel—as integral parts of every RAID course, we have removed the need to insert these topics into any unrelated presentations or academic discussions.

This means that, even if a student gets 100% on all quizzes and exams, they will receive vital instructor input regarding these specific areas.

New Playbook

A critical improvement to our instructional package is the addition of the Instructor Playbook. This single manual replaces our old confined water and open water instructor guides.

The new Playbook has been reworked from scratch and is designed to be an invaluable teaching resource for new and experienced instructors alike. There is an expansive introduction, a full listing of the skills specific to each dive and each program—including skill objectives, values and student actions—and, of course, vital teaching tips for each and every core level skill.

We feel the new Instructor Playbook is an innovative and fresh approach to scuba instruction.


From the business perspective, there has never been a better time to crossover to RAID, and we are inundated with requests from professionals who feel their current agencies are not giving them enough value. Because the pandemic is causing so many issues with travel and traditional scuba-training methods, we took the time to design a REMOTe-Training instructor crossover. By taking advantage of our new IDP designs and utilizing advances in technology, we are able to confidently, safely and conveniently bring approved instructors to RAID while maintaining our high standards.

Our instructor crossover process involves the use of our online manuals, quizzes and exams.

Audio-visual platforms are used to deliver presentations and evaluate academic teaching ability. Skill evaluation is via a seamless, one-take video recording of crossover candidates performing the RAID crossover skill circuit. The RAID crossover is still focused and structured and is not a “magic wand” solution where instructor certifications are awarded without effort.

The process is fair and simple, and it helps meet the increased demand from serious professional diving educators who want to join RAID so they can give their students the best possible training at every level.

Every RAID course can be accessed free of charge through our FREe-Learning initiative – every course that has already been purchased or certified is also updated with the latest course materials free of charge.

Please contact your local Regional Office or drop us a line on